Monday, April 16, 2012

Hanami with Mammy and Daddy ^_^

My parents and grandmama came to visit me in April (ok, so the title lied a little, but if I wrote "grandmama" too then it wouldn't rhyme. LOL!). I felt a little bad because my mom missed me so much that she booked this trip 2 weeks after I left Vancouver ^^" Anyway, they were just in time for hanami season in Fukuoka, and we went to Ohori Park when the sakura were in full bloom!

With Grandmama at Ohori Park (outside the Fukuoka Castle Ruins)

I think my parents feel better now that they've seen the city I live in, and what my neighbourhood looks like. They are happy that Fukuoka is so convenient, and yet it's not flooded with people everywhere. They also seemed to be glad that I live on top of a 24-hr supermarket and 1 min walk away from a 24-hr udon joint (I guess they know at least I won't starve lol).

We also went to Kumamoto on the other weekend they were here. There were still sakura blooming at Kumamoto Castle, and the view was stunning!

Kumamoto Castle

We stayed at a ryokan in Kumamoto which had access to onsen. Daddy loved the onsen so much and would not stop talking about it for 20mins! After a nice onsen experience, we had Spring Set Dinner at the ryokan. I think we must've had at least 10 courses!! The hotel is called 菊南溫泉 Hotel, and it did not disappoint! My parents and grandmama were super happy with Kumamoto! o(^o^)o

Booked a private onsen, with indoor and outdoor bath area

I think I gained some weight during my parents' visit. I kept mooching off of them for fancy dinners that I otherwise can't afford (like teppenyaki), LOL!!! Ohhhh I miss being Mammy's and Daddy's girl... hahahaha!

And now, back to survive on my own again... until August! Then, my parents are coming back and we are off to OKINAWA!!!! YAY PARENTS!!!! d(^v^)b

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Weighing in after 3 months

It's been 3 months since I've been in Fukuoka! I can't believe I am 1/4 of the way through my contract!! Let me check-in with some highlights of my stay in Fukuoka!

Atomic Bomb Dome, Hiroshima

- I've been able to travel once a month on average! So far I've been to Beppu, Nagasaki, and Hiroshima / Miyajima. Still on my list are Kumamoto (which I will strike off after this weekend ^_^), Kagoshima, Mount Aso, Kurokawa Onsen, Nagoya, Kanazawa, Nagano, Busan... ... ...

Itsukushima Shrine, Miyajima

- I've had some visitors already! My parents came to visit last weekend, and my friend from HK also came to visit yesterday. I played host for the first time in Fukuoka!

- I have a membership at an onsen which is a 20mins drive from my house. It is one of the nicest onsens I've been to...! I've been going almost weekly... hahahaha... why get a massage when you can soak in the onsen? ^_^v

My Japanese is slowly improving. If I concentrate hard enough I can understand what people are saying to me... the response, however, needs some work... hahaha... I'm working on it ^^"

The street outside my apartment at night

- I lost 10lbs since I've been here!! OMG!! I know that doesn't sound too impressive, but I didn't really do anything besides eating normal Japanese portions and cut back on fried foods...! I'm so happy hahahahha. Next, I will try to knock off another 15lbs in the next 3 months. My co-worker is very good fitness guy (actually, he's good at many different things, and I've often gone to him for advice lol), and he's started taking me to the gym and teaching me how to cut calories. I have a feeling that 15lbs goal is not too far out of reach!!! I gotta keep reminding myself - hunger and soreness is just fat leaving the body. LOL.

Plum blossoms, Dazaifu

Other than that, life is not much different from being in Vancouver. I work, I go out, I stay at home, etc etc etc. I do miss my friends and family very much... but... I'm glad I am here!

P.S. - Sorry for the random pictures... I don't have any that will go along with the post... hahaha... Anyways, come visit me soon!!! ^_^