Monday, August 13, 2012

August in Japan!

It's August in Japan! Besides the humidity (which I will take over cold winters any day) and the occasional thunderstorms, August has been an awesome month..!!! The beginning of August was marked by firework festivals all over Japan, so I dragged some people along with me to enjoy this event!

Chikugogawa Fireworks Festival

Chikugogawa Fireworks Festival

It's been my dream as a child, to wear a yukata, eat kakigori (shaved ice), and watch the fireworks in Japan. Actually, that was one of the main reasons why I wanted to live in Japan (sounds kind of stupid, I know... hahahahahaha). I was elated that my dream finally came true...!!! o(^v^)o

My yukata, kakigori, and I!! o^_^o

During August, we also have a period of days off called Obon. Of course, I would never miss an opportunity to go play, so I hopped on a plane with my friend and went to Taipei for a few days! I had a lot of fun on this trip. I must say I didn't really do much that I haven't done before, but it was just nice to eat food that I really miss, and actually know what people are saying around me. I did have some trouble, though, as I tried to speak English and Japanese with my friends, and I had to switch to Mandarin with other people. And since none of these languages is my actual mother tongue, I caught myself speaking the wrong language to different people all the time.... hahahahaha... ^^"

Taipei 101

More than anything, I think I learned more about myself on this trip. I finally know why I love it here in Asia so much, and why I am so happy. It's so simple - I am doing what I want to do, and not what everyone else expects me to do. For a first time in a long, long while, I am finally truly at peace with myself. I am way less bitter than I was before towards other people and less negative towards myself... I no longer need to be jealous of other people, or wonder why people live a happier live than I am... because... I would rather be doing what I am doing right now. So... do what you love! ^_^

Sign outside of Mos Burger

就是這樣﹐ 我在日本過了7個月。現在才發現﹐ 原來幸福不是要靠別人﹐ 而是要靠自己。我要讓自己每天過得快樂! 大家也要過著幸福的生活啊..! <3

9月快來了!! 期待期待... o(^v^)o