Friday, July 6, 2012

I'm half way there.. kind of...

I really should start writing something different for my posts... but damn I haven't updated in a long time....! (I wonder who actually reads my blog, and notices... hahahaha..)

So, it's July 6th, and I've officially been in Fukuoka for 6 months. A lot has happened since the last time I posted... so I don't even know where to start... Well, first of all, I got sold out by my own parents, and Mammy and Daddy are no longer visiting me and taking me to Okinawa in August... (T_T) It seems like they don't miss me very much, because whenever I Skype home, I get responses like "Oh it's grandma's TV time right now..! If you want to talk to her you should've called earlier...", or "What? I am cooking! Why don't you try again in an hour when we finish dinner and your dad finish washing the dishes...?" So... I guess they don't miss me that much afterall. God, I love my parents. XD

The past couple of months have actually been kind of a blur. It's almost like it didn't happen. All I remember is going back to Hong Kong during Golden Week, and BAM, all of a sudden it was my best friend's wedding and I was back in Vancouver. Somewhere in there was a weekend to Busan and a trip to Kagoshima... Maybe it was because I was busy trying to finish my project management course, or maybe because I just wanted June to be over so I can go back to Vancouver... hahaha...

Busan shopping district at night

The wedding last weekend was just insane. I am not sure how my body kept up with me, but I am glad it did. I think in 4 days, I must have slept less than 10hrs. On the actual day of my best friend's wedding, I was awake for like 30hrs, before finally passing out on my flight from SFO-HNL. Seeing my best friend get married is certainly one thing I would not give up the world for, and it was so amazing for me to finally see her in this stage in her life. I am truly happy for her that she found someone she is so happy and in love with. A million memories crossed my mind as I see her walk down the aisle. It's been so many years and we've had so many fights, but I still love her to death, and I am just glad she is in good hands. ^_^

Going back also made me realize how much I actually miss my friends. They say you don't realize what you have until it is gone.... well, I certainly feel that way. I really didn't understand how much my friends meant to me, until sh*t went down, they were still all there to support me. I've been away for a while, but that certainly didn't mean they've become more distant in anyway. I can't really explain how I feel with words... but... you guys are the greatest friends that any girl could ask for. Surely I am the luckiest girl in the world to have friends like you guys...! *group hug!!!*

Blog-appropriate picture from the wedding (sort of). I love my crazy friends <3

All in all, my time here in Fukuoka is everything like I imagined. I miss my friends, and I miss my family, but nothing has really been unexpected.... All I can say, is that this is truly changed how I see myself. I definitely know myself better now and I am a happier person. HAVING SAID THAT, I have NO IDEA when I am coming back. As of right now, I am half way done my contract... but... it looks like I will be staying longer.... so... come visit me if you miss me!! o(^v^)o

Take care, my friends, wherever you are~!


  1. That wedding... sounds vaguely familiar. :P
    We miss you too Eden!

  2. You really know your parents have gotten used to you being gone when you tell them you're coming back and the answer is "Why?".
