Monday, February 6, 2012

Happpy One Month, Fukuoka!

I've been here officially for 1 month!! Time really does go by fast...!! I'm really liking it here... work is actually going pretty well ^_^ My co-workers have been very nice, helping me with work and with everyday things outside of work. As well, I feel like I'm getting a hang of this job already... so no complaints there~~

In general, I really like my students. I feel like I am able to motivate them to learn, in which motivates me to try harder to give a good lesson. However, I just can't seem to figure out how to teach those 11 to 12-year-olds... They are very bright kids, that don't seem to be challenged enough in class. As a result the participation in class is terrible...! It seems like I am dreading these classes, but I do want to help them improve. For the sake of my sanity, and the sanity of my students, if anyone has any ideas about how to improve classroom moral and would like to pass it along, I will be so grateful ^^".

Now that work is settling nicely, I want start picking up my Japanese again!! I haven't studied my Japanese at all since I've gotten here, so there has been little or no improvement LOL. I'm still debating whether I should take Japanese lessons - maybe I'll review my textbook first and see how it goes hahaha. Also, I'm going to start going sightseeing around Kyushuu soon! I've got a trip planned to Beppu next weekend, I'm super excited!!! Stay tuned for photos ^_^

Sorry for the short blog post today, for some reason I'm super tired... going to peace out to bed... お休みなさい!

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