Thursday, September 13, 2012

Bittersweet Goodbye

I recently learned that one of my closest friend is moving away.

I know how exciting it must be, after all, I made the exact same decision a year ago to leave home and to move on to a new chapter in my life. I am really glad that he is stepping out of his comfort zone, following his heart to do what he truly wants. I know it's not easy.

I am a little bit sad though, because I realize that home will never be what it used to be. Maybe I was too naive in thinking that everything back home will stay the same until I go back. Everyone will still be waiting for me. My family, my friends... sure, people go on and do new things, but they are all still going to be around right...? Right...? Damn it, I AM THE ONLY ONE who can leave and come back whenever I wanted...! No one else was ever allowed to leave me...!!! I was supposed to go home whenever I got sick of being on my own, and go back to see all my friends whom I love so much...!!!

But the clock is ticking. Time doesn't wait for anyone.

People are always chasing after their dreams and desires. Some time ago, you crossed paths, then you walked together for a while, and you don't know when your paths will split again. That's the interesting part about life, isn't it? I guess it's all part of growing up.

So, here's a bittersweet goodbye to you. Good luck my dear, and chase after your dreams! I know you have made the right decision. Hopefully you will invite me to your wedding. ^_^

And, thank you for teaching me to love and treasure those around me, right here, right now, because I don't know what will happen tomorrow.

See you soon!!!

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