Wednesday, January 4, 2012

D-Day ("D" stands for departure)

So... it appears that it's been over 2 months since I last posted on my blog again. Time does fly!

I started my journey on Jan 3rd, 2012, leaving Vancouver for Singapore, stopping over in Hong Kong. It was a very weird feeling for me to leave my home, fly to my second home, but wait - I am not exiting the airport! I am en-route to Singapore via SQ flight 871.

Saying goodbye to my friends and family was hard. I can't imagine my mom getting any sleep the night before my departure, or got anything done at work. Hun did good though - we didn't cry or anything and we tried to make our farewells as painless as possible. We were joking around and such, trying not to make a big deal out of it... after all, 1 year flies by, right? That and he is supposed to come visit in April... so that will happen before I know it. =)

It really hasn't settled in to me yet that I actually left. The flight to Hong Kong was more of a routine, and by the time I got to Singapore, I got so excited about what I should see (more importantly, what I should eat) that I've completely kicked into vacation mode and totally forgot why I am here...

... Everyone has been asking me if I'm prepared for my adventures, and I think I can only say that consciously I think I am... I packed everything I wanted (I didn't leave anything behind!!), I got as much sorted out logistically as I can while overseas (money, internet access, phone etc), so I think I'm prepared... but mentally, I am not so sure... I guess I really don't know what to expect until I get there (I don't know if being in "vacation mode" counts as being mentally prepard)...

The only thing I didn't plan well for, is that I didn't fly my butt directly from Singapore to Fukuoka on Singapore Airlines. Now, I have to suffer through sub-par domestic UA service on an "international flight". That, and I didn't know that the free shuttle from Changji Airport to my hotel was still running at 1am... Damnit, what was I thinking?!?!?! :p

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