Sunday, January 15, 2012

今日は太宰府にいってしました!(I went to Dazaifu today!)

After one week of hectic training, finally it's my day off!! My friend and I went to Dazaifu (太宰府) today to check out the local shrine scene. It took about ~20mins or so on the express train from Tenjin, so it was not bad for a Sunday afternoon stroll... ^_^

The street on the way to the Tenmangu Shrine

The place was filled with people getting their blessings for the new year... I'll let my pictures do the talking..!

Tenmango Shrine

Washing my hands before entering the shrine

Priest blessing over people

My fortunes this year..! I'm assuming “吉” is a good sign...! ^_^

People getting their cars blessed

Local specialty at Dazaifu: umegaimochi! (Toasted rice cake with plum and red bean filling) nom nom nom...

I'm going to be at my hotel for a couple more days, then I move into my apartment on Wednesday. I was talking to my friend (who is training with me right now), and we agree that it still seems like this is temporary because we are staying in a hotel and not actually working at our own schools yet. This is all going to change this week, so hopefully I will adjust well... Looking forward to (finally) settling in Japan...! I'm super excited!!!

Chat with you all soon =)

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