Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hello, Fukuoka!

So, I've officially been here for 5 days! So far, I really like Fukuoka (the part of town I'm in anyways). The town seems busy, but not overly crowded like the larger cities such as Tokyo or Osaka. On the weekend or public holidays, I can still walk around department stores and train stations with much comfort. I'm really glad I chose this city - being the largest city on Kyushuu, it's got all the Tokyo convenience, but it's just a bit busier than Vancouver. The weather here has been super nice. It's around the same temperature as Vancouver, but it has been sunny almost every single day...!

Tenjin area, Fukuoka

Training has been quite intense for the past couple of days. I've really been trying to focus on digesting the training material I've been presented, practicing classes mentally, and getting enough rest everyday. There's been so much to do at work - I've already taught my first lesson to actual Japanese students! I also have to conduct interviews and do a couple more lessons before I obtain my status as a "nublet" and get sent off to my branch school. So for the past few days, really I've just been walking around the same area, between the hotel and the office. XD

My first gift from a student! She's a very cute lady, who is retired and now wants to learn English. She said I can put a coin in it. I assume it's for good luck?

Oh, of course, being in Japan means there are good eats just around the corner...! I thought it'd be mean to upload allll of my delicious adventures, so I'll just post one XD In Fukuoka, after about 6pm in the evening, ramen stalls called yatai roll out to the street to set up shop for the night. What's on the menu? The famous Kyushuu tonkatsu ramen of course!!!

Yatai. Also selling oden, gyoza yakitori, and such.

Inside the yatai. Having dinner with some サラリーマン.

Mmmmm... ramen! Nom nom nom...

I don't know how to describe the ramen besides... it's sooooooo good XD XD XD It was the perfect end to a chilly Fukuoka evening. If you come visit me, I will treat you to ramen... I've been saying that since before I left, and the offer still stands ;)

I plan to go do some sightseeing this Sunday, so hopefully I can show you more of Fukuoka next time. Right now it is time to zzz. お休みなさい!! =)

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