Wednesday, August 28, 2013

二見ヶ浦 Futamigaura

"Have you taken her on your motorcycle yet?" I asked.

"No. She said it's dangerous." He said.

"So.... then why did you still get two helmets?"

I felt a slap on the back of my head. "OWWWWW!!! What was that for?!?!" 

He just looked at me and smiled. "Stupid. I never wanted to take her."


It was a perfect summer day in Fukuoka, one where the humidity did not kill all of my desires to be outside. He messaged me in the morning, and told me to meet him at the station around noon. He didn't tell me where he was going to take me though. He always just kind of calls me and expects me to show up. He knows that I just sit in my apartment all day and wait for him to call. Apart from the usual routine of going to the gym, studying, going to work, chores.... I really don't know if I have anything or anyone else besides him.

I arrived at the station a few minutes earlier than he told me to. I don't like making him wait. I kind of like watching him look for me in the crowd, especially because I blend in so well. Almost every time I wait until he turns away from me, and I sneak up to him and slap him on the shoulder. He always shows an angry face at first as to why I slapped him so hard, then he would give me a smile that says he was starting to worry, but he is relieved to see that I am OK.

This time though, I didn't see him. I started to worry.

"Walk outside." I got a text about 5 mins after. He was waiting for me, on a motorcycle. I definitely didn't expect that. He passed me the helmet, and I hopped on behind him.

I just realized I've never been on a motorcycle before.

"Just put your hands on my shoulder. Try to sit up straight, and lean in when I am turning. I know it's kind of scary, but you gotta trust me..." 

Baka. If I had any doubt in you I wouldn't be here. With everything you've ever done and we've done together, I have always trusted you.

He still hasn't told me where we were going.


I've never actually traveled around on any roads before outside of the main city area. If the train or subway didn't go there, then I just didn't go there. Taking the bus around Fukuoka outside the downtown core is actually quite tedious.

We went down Route 202, which seems to be one of the major national highways around here. Apparently this highway stretches all the way to Nagasaki, and if you followed it east, you would go to Kitakyuushuu, and onwards to Honshuu. We were going west towards Nagasaki that day, which means....

He's taking me to Itoshima like he promised.

Located just west of Fukuoka City, Itoshima is a town that boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in Kyuushuu. It is a very popular place for locals to surf, and has plenty of cute cafes for couples to enjoy a nice afternoon together. 

Somewhere along Route 202, we took a right onto Route 54, which was one of the regional highways. This highway goes around the peninsula where all the beautiful beaches are, and through the mountain in the middle. I lost track of time cruising around with him to be honest - I have no idea how long the ride took. All I know is that we've completely escaped the city that is Fukuoka, into what was like a scene from comic books of rural Japan. One moment we were driving past the ocean and stretches of empty beaches, then next we were going through some fields along the mountains. I shivered as the cool summer breeze brushed through my skin - not because it was cold, but because the feeling was incredible. I put my arms around him and just closed my eyes. I wanted to take in and remember this moment with all my senses. The sounds, the smell, the sights, and the feel of his shirt sticking to his back a bit, I wanted to remember all of it.

We pulled up to a parking lot that had a few cars already. We were lucky because we didn't come on a weekend, so it was still easy enough to park. I took off my helmet, and turned around - I couldn't believe the view.

I took my sandals off and ran towards the beach. 

Pebbles in the sand, with the Torii in the background.

Beach + bare feet = happy feet. ^-^

Clear water!

LOL, the giants are attacking the islands!

I was so focused on running around the beach and taking pictures, I had completely forgotten about him. By the time I turned around, he was standing next to some rocks, laughing at my clumsiness and near-face plants stumbling around the slippery algae.

"Time to go." He finally said the words I've been dreading.

As we got further away from the beach and closer to the city, it felt as if I was waking up from my dream, and it was time to go back to reality. These perfect moments were going to vanish, into thin air, like none of this ever happened. I could only escape for so long.

He dropped me off back at the station, where this all started. I'm not sure if we made a full circle back to the beginning, or if time has just rewound itself in an attempt to erase the evidence from my memory.


I know he said he never wanted to take her, but I'm just going to tell myself that he said he just wanted to take me. 

And now, all I have left to prove that everything did happen, are these pictures I took at Futamigaura.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Fairy Tales

Why does it feel like there's no place I can call home? This world is so big, surely there is a little place for me me to stay...

I guess that's the problem is that this world is too vibrant. There are so many places I want to go still and so many places I want to see. Every place has some things that I love, and every place has something I hate.

I am also not from any place.I left my birthplace too early to call it home. I came to the place where I grew up too late to call that home. 

I... don't belong... anywhere

I somewhat feel happy for those people who can settle into one place and can call one place home. They say home is where the heart is, and right now, my heart pretty much anywhere but here. I feel as if I am drifting all over this rock just to find this feeling of home. The ironic thing is, it seems like the harder I look, the further this concept is away from me...

I guess some people also just settle because it's easier. It's scary to let go of what you know for sure, and to venture into the unknown. They are just happier to have a place they can call home, and just happier that things are more "stress-free" in general. I have a job, I have a place to live, I am content. What can be better than this? What can possibly go wrong..?

But I just want an adventure! I want to see all the colours this world has. I don't want to be colourblind. I don't want to read other people's stories, watch TV, read novels, and be green with envy because really I wish I had the fairy tale-life they have exploring the world... I guess I am really hopelessly romantic that I really want to find a place that takes my breath away...

So f*ck it.... I am writing my own fairy tale.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

福間海岸 Fukuma Seaside Park

"いっらしゃいませ (irrashaimase)!!" said the cafe owner.

I jumped out from my seat. "You are finally here!" I said to him. Naturally, I just ran towards him and gave him a really, really, big hug. I thought to myself, I don't care what anyone says: right now, you are mine.


I've been sitting at this cafe for about 2 hours now. I saw my friend's post on Facebook about Fukuma Beach, and wanted to go see it for myself. I asked if he wanted to come, but he said he was busy. I knew who he was with; if he wasn't with her, he would ask me to hang out with him.

I took the JR from Hakata Station. On the express trains, it took about 23mins to get to Fukuma. Fukuma Station is a big stop somewhere between Hakata and Kokura, so unless you take the limited express, you can't miss the stop. From the station, it was about a 25min-walk to the beach. The walk wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for the terrible heat and humidity, but my iPod and cold tea eased the pain a bit. When I finally walked up to the coast, I couldn't believe the amazing coastline we have in Kyushuu!

Fukuma Seaside Park

It was a Sunday, but the beach wasn't very busy (I guess the stretch of beach was pretty long, and everyone was spread out). Many people were surfing in this area. There were lots of shops that offered surfing lessons, banana boat rides, and other marine sports. I got tired of walking around eventually, and found myself a nice little cafe that looked like a house.

Cafe Caprice, Fukuma Beach

The cafe had a little garden / patio that faced the beach. I sat there for a few minutes under the umbrella to relax a bit. The owner was really nice! I asked the owner if I could order the "special latte" from the menu without any whipped cream (it was supposed to come with whipped cream and ice cream), and he said: "OK, I"ll just charge you for a regular latte then! You can have the ice cream for free. ^_^" About 3 mins later, the owner came back with my latte, with 2 HUGE SCOOPS of ice cream in it! I was sooo happy! I took a sip of my latte and just sat with my eyes closed for a bit. The sea breeze was the best air conditioner, and the waves were the best background music. Everything was perfect, except he wasn't here.

"It's so pretty here!!! Where are you?" I wrote to him in a text message.

"Ohhh. Really? I'm kind of busy." He replied.

Duh, I know you are. "Come over come over come over! See..!! It's so nice here! You can make it to watch the sunset with me!!!" I said, along with a picture. I always liked whining to him, because I knew he would spoil me. He would never say no.

But I knew I put him on the spot. Typing. Silence. Typing. Silence. Typing. This repeated on my screen about 20 times before I finally got a reply.

"Ok, I can come in 30mins. Wait for me - don't go anywhere...!"

"Yay! Just in time to give me a ride home after we watch the sunset. ^_^" I replied.

He didn't really ask me where I was, probably because he knew from my check-in on Facebook. And as per instructed, I didn't go anywhere. I just sat round the patio, read a book, and took pictures of everything around me. 

Mint garden in the patio at the cafe

I wonder if the cafe owner thought I was some sort of a tourist travel blogger, or he just felt kind of sorry for me for being by myself on such a lovely afternoon. "Free service, for  you!" The owner said with a smile on his face as he puts a mango smoothie next to me. He was such a nice guy! I offered to pay for the drink because it was so delicious, but he just shook his head and smiled and said: "だいじょうぶよ (daijoubu yo)!" So I took a big sip and relaxed...

...I must have fallen asleep. I didn't even realized he messaged me to check if I was still there. I jumped a little when I heard someone come through the door just now.


I guess he was kind of happy to see me, but I can see that he was also kind of upset that I made him come out here. And he is right - he knows I can get my way with him, so I deliberately act difficult to catch his attention. And you know what? Every time he gives it to me. I'm sure he got into a huge fight with her to come out though, so I'm not sure why he does this every time. I guess draining each other emotionally is how we have learned to deal with each other.

I didn't say anything else to him after he came. We just sat next to each other and stared at the ocean. I'm not sure how much time has past, but the sun finally set. It was quite magnificent.

"I'll take you home." He finally said. I didn't put up a fight. I just followed after him as he walked out of the cafe. He dropped me off at home, and I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

These words never came out of my mouth, but I guess he felt it...

Thank you for such a wonderful day... and, how I wish... that you really were mine.