Sunday, January 15, 2012

今日は太宰府にいってしました!(I went to Dazaifu today!)

After one week of hectic training, finally it's my day off!! My friend and I went to Dazaifu (太宰府) today to check out the local shrine scene. It took about ~20mins or so on the express train from Tenjin, so it was not bad for a Sunday afternoon stroll... ^_^

The street on the way to the Tenmangu Shrine

The place was filled with people getting their blessings for the new year... I'll let my pictures do the talking..!

Tenmango Shrine

Washing my hands before entering the shrine

Priest blessing over people

My fortunes this year..! I'm assuming “吉” is a good sign...! ^_^

People getting their cars blessed

Local specialty at Dazaifu: umegaimochi! (Toasted rice cake with plum and red bean filling) nom nom nom...

I'm going to be at my hotel for a couple more days, then I move into my apartment on Wednesday. I was talking to my friend (who is training with me right now), and we agree that it still seems like this is temporary because we are staying in a hotel and not actually working at our own schools yet. This is all going to change this week, so hopefully I will adjust well... Looking forward to (finally) settling in Japan...! I'm super excited!!!

Chat with you all soon =)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hello, Fukuoka!

So, I've officially been here for 5 days! So far, I really like Fukuoka (the part of town I'm in anyways). The town seems busy, but not overly crowded like the larger cities such as Tokyo or Osaka. On the weekend or public holidays, I can still walk around department stores and train stations with much comfort. I'm really glad I chose this city - being the largest city on Kyushuu, it's got all the Tokyo convenience, but it's just a bit busier than Vancouver. The weather here has been super nice. It's around the same temperature as Vancouver, but it has been sunny almost every single day...!

Tenjin area, Fukuoka

Training has been quite intense for the past couple of days. I've really been trying to focus on digesting the training material I've been presented, practicing classes mentally, and getting enough rest everyday. There's been so much to do at work - I've already taught my first lesson to actual Japanese students! I also have to conduct interviews and do a couple more lessons before I obtain my status as a "nublet" and get sent off to my branch school. So for the past few days, really I've just been walking around the same area, between the hotel and the office. XD

My first gift from a student! She's a very cute lady, who is retired and now wants to learn English. She said I can put a coin in it. I assume it's for good luck?

Oh, of course, being in Japan means there are good eats just around the corner...! I thought it'd be mean to upload allll of my delicious adventures, so I'll just post one XD In Fukuoka, after about 6pm in the evening, ramen stalls called yatai roll out to the street to set up shop for the night. What's on the menu? The famous Kyushuu tonkatsu ramen of course!!!

Yatai. Also selling oden, gyoza yakitori, and such.

Inside the yatai. Having dinner with some サラリーマン.

Mmmmm... ramen! Nom nom nom...

I don't know how to describe the ramen besides... it's sooooooo good XD XD XD It was the perfect end to a chilly Fukuoka evening. If you come visit me, I will treat you to ramen... I've been saying that since before I left, and the offer still stands ;)

I plan to go do some sightseeing this Sunday, so hopefully I can show you more of Fukuoka next time. Right now it is time to zzz. お休みなさい!! =)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Commenting on Airlines

After a couple of days of being in "transit", I've finally arrived in Fukuoka-shi, my home for the next little while! Because I have been hopping back and forth Vancouver and SE Asia a bit for the past month or so, I had a chance to "sample" a few different airlines: Air Canada, ANA, Eva Air, Singapore Airlines, and United Airlines. So, I thought it's be fun to share my thoughts and kind of compare my different experiences.

United Airlines:

I've been joking (but actually somewhat serious) about how the best part of a United flight is Channel 9 and getting off. More often that not, the domestic flights are delayed, not cleaned properly, overbooked, and staffed with not-so-friendly cabin crew to say the least. The international legs apparently are not much better - a 15-hr San Francisco to Hong Kong flight was on an old-school 747 with no AVOD (you know, they have one big screen in the bulkhead space and then tiny monitors hanging from the ceiling every 8 rows or so), and food that was served cold! So, with VERY LITTLE expectation on my UA flight from Singapore to Tokyo, I was actually quite pleasantly surprised by the nice cabin crew on the flight. The food, while cold (again), actually tasted good (it was BBQ pork on Chinese fried noodles; sorry I know this conversation is kind of useless without photos). The only other disappointment was that the audio didn't work on my seat (hey, it's United. You are expecting things to work? You've got to be kidding me!). While the route was still flown on the same retro 747 as the SFO-HKG route, it was comfortable enough to endure a 6-hr flight. Compared to the 737 that I could've been flying if I was on the SIN-HKG route, this was quite an acceptable experience. Singaporeans and Japanese people really do have high(er) standards!!

Eva Air

I flew this route with Mother and Daddy from Hong Kong to Taiwan at the end of November. I've got to say, the cabin crew were so quick, I mean like, Superman-changing-in-a-phone-booth quick. On a 1 hr flight, the flight attendance pumped out a drink service, followed by a full hot (and delicious) meal, offered duty-free shopping, and another drink service. You have to understand that this flight is only just over one hour long....! :O So, props to them for being so efficient, and nice at the same time. =) Moreover, they flew a nice 747 on this short leg (even they had AVOD; shame on you UA!!!!), though I'm pretty sure that 1/3 of the plane was cargo space, and that the plane probably headed somewhere far after landing in Taipei...

ANA (Wings)

I only flew this after a domestic connection from my UA flight in order to go to Fukuoka. I was on a 737, which was roomy enough for the 2hr flight. My only disappointment was that there wasn't even nuts or anything during the drink service; I didn't think All Nippon would cheap out like that... However, the cabin crew were very nice. You know, the standard Japanese kind of nice (which is very very nice in my opinion). I should mention that ANA Wings is a subsidiary of ANA, kind of what Jazz is to Air Canada. ANA Wings is definitely better than Jazz, and I would definitely like to fly ANA someday on one of their international routes!

Air Canada

I really should be biased towards this airline as this is my home airline. I really wanted to be, but I couldn't. From the gate to getting off the plane, the service was terrible! My flight was delayed in the morning, which means there is a possibility that I would miss the next flight on my itinerary. The check-in agent looked at it, and said "according to your itinerary, even if the plane wasn't delayed, this would've been an illegal connection because you didn't leave at least 90mins between your international flights. The Airline is not liable for this if you do miss your connection.". I went on to explain that Expedia let me book this with no problem, the only suggestion she could come up with was that the flight usually makes up some lost time, and if you ran fast enough you can make your next flight. I just rolled my eyes and walked away; it was obvious to me that she has decided not to be helpful. Turns out the plane got delayed even more. Thank goodness there were some nice Singapore Airlines reps at the other side of the gate when we arrived, and they re-booked a good dozen of us on the next available flight to Singapore (some of these people booked directly with Air Canada, so clearly the check-in agent was a pile of BS about this being an illegal connection or whatever). The flight meals were also, not very good, to put it in a nice way. I mean, come on, I am used to eating IMPs for an entire weekend. How can anything possibly taste worse than food from a bag that was made 5 years ago..?!?! Top that off with some snappy cabin crew and viola! Recipe for a disasterous 13.5hr flight. The good thing is, I really do like the new cabins in these trans-pacific flights. When they dim the cabin lights it changes colours from a warm autumn red to a light blue-ish colour.... and you get pretty good leg room for just regular economy seats. Do they do that for flights to Europe too... anyone know?

Singapore Airlines

There definitely is a reason why this airline is always at the top of the rankings. Everyone was sooooo friendly and very well-mannered. Even the way they pour water for guests impressed me (no lie!). ANNNND they are good looking. =D Even in Economy class, they had a full menu for you to look at prior to the food service. I had a Chinese option with was spicy pork with cabbage on rice, and even after Air Canada's multiple attempts to kill my appetite, it was still quite enjoyable. My impression of Singapore Airlines is that they don't cheap out on anything, even if it is economy. They actually made me feel like a guest on their flight, and not just some annoying person they have to serve while I am stuck in my seat.

Of course, these are just my based on my personal experience, and I can't really help but wonder why large american carriers cannot afford to offer somewhat decent services (clearly a tiny place like Singapore can do it; so is it just poor business ethics and practices?). Anyways, I'm in Fukuoka now and I actually have to start work tomorrow *gasp*, so there won't be any flying for.... at least a couple of months ;)

Ta ta for now!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

D-Day ("D" stands for departure)

So... it appears that it's been over 2 months since I last posted on my blog again. Time does fly!

I started my journey on Jan 3rd, 2012, leaving Vancouver for Singapore, stopping over in Hong Kong. It was a very weird feeling for me to leave my home, fly to my second home, but wait - I am not exiting the airport! I am en-route to Singapore via SQ flight 871.

Saying goodbye to my friends and family was hard. I can't imagine my mom getting any sleep the night before my departure, or got anything done at work. Hun did good though - we didn't cry or anything and we tried to make our farewells as painless as possible. We were joking around and such, trying not to make a big deal out of it... after all, 1 year flies by, right? That and he is supposed to come visit in April... so that will happen before I know it. =)

It really hasn't settled in to me yet that I actually left. The flight to Hong Kong was more of a routine, and by the time I got to Singapore, I got so excited about what I should see (more importantly, what I should eat) that I've completely kicked into vacation mode and totally forgot why I am here...

... Everyone has been asking me if I'm prepared for my adventures, and I think I can only say that consciously I think I am... I packed everything I wanted (I didn't leave anything behind!!), I got as much sorted out logistically as I can while overseas (money, internet access, phone etc), so I think I'm prepared... but mentally, I am not so sure... I guess I really don't know what to expect until I get there (I don't know if being in "vacation mode" counts as being mentally prepard)...

The only thing I didn't plan well for, is that I didn't fly my butt directly from Singapore to Fukuoka on Singapore Airlines. Now, I have to suffer through sub-par domestic UA service on an "international flight". That, and I didn't know that the free shuttle from Changji Airport to my hotel was still running at 1am... Damnit, what was I thinking?!?!?! :p