Wednesday, October 17, 2012

9 Months in Fukuoka!

It's been 9 months since I left for Fukuoka! I seriously can't believe how fast time has gone...! Every week goes by so quickly, and the weekends even quicker... before I know it, another month has gone by (and I didn't update my blog like I meant to)!

I have established a pretty good routine now for everyday life things. I go to work, I work out, I hang out with friends and co-workers... It feels like I've finally figured out how to live my life here... (I know! It took 9 months...! Isn't that ridiculous????) 

One of the major changes is that I FINALLY got a decent bike. I've been going for rides at least 4 times a week! There's a park in the middle(ish) of the city called Ohori Park (see my previous post in April about hanami), which is a 6km ride from where I live. I like to bike there because there's a huge lake in the middle of it. There's also a Starbucks there. So if I want to read a book, I bike to Ohori. If I want to study, I bike to Ohori. If I just want to sit somewhere, I bike to Ohori. Getting the exercise biking there is great! Being able to eat a slice of chocolate cake without feeling guilty afterwards is just a bonus. ^_^

The lake at Ohori Park at night. Sorry the picture was taken with my cell phone camera..!

I also finally got a decent sofa bed. Sleeping above the ground is great!!! And now my back doesn't hurt anymore, and I sleep better. I don't know why it took me so long to get proper furniture to sleep on... And now I can ACTUALLY have visitors!!! 

Towards the end of the month I am starting up my project management courses again. This time I am doing two courses at the same time. On top of that, I am going to try and take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test to see if I have actually learned anything from being here for almost a year... So the next couple of months I am going to be a hermit crab and staying at home... well... maybe I will have time for a trip to Tokyo or Kansai in November... (there's always time for traveling, hahaha ^^")

Oh, I've been reading this book called 女朋友﹐ 男朋友... the story is kind of heavy and it reflects the 無奈 in people's lives. I find it quite realistic. Reading it makes me want to cry, and to be honest I am quite afraid of the ending... hahaha... 

And last but not least, I've received so many messages, emails, and post cards from my friends this month. I just want to thank you guys for thinking of me...! I really do miss you guys. *group hug*

To end off, here are some pictures of autumn in Japan!

A field full of cosmos in Nokoshima (an island just off of Fukuoka)

Leaves are falling..!! It reminds me of home...

A nice fall day to wander around...!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Bittersweet Goodbye

I recently learned that one of my closest friend is moving away.

I know how exciting it must be, after all, I made the exact same decision a year ago to leave home and to move on to a new chapter in my life. I am really glad that he is stepping out of his comfort zone, following his heart to do what he truly wants. I know it's not easy.

I am a little bit sad though, because I realize that home will never be what it used to be. Maybe I was too naive in thinking that everything back home will stay the same until I go back. Everyone will still be waiting for me. My family, my friends... sure, people go on and do new things, but they are all still going to be around right...? Right...? Damn it, I AM THE ONLY ONE who can leave and come back whenever I wanted...! No one else was ever allowed to leave me...!!! I was supposed to go home whenever I got sick of being on my own, and go back to see all my friends whom I love so much...!!!

But the clock is ticking. Time doesn't wait for anyone.

People are always chasing after their dreams and desires. Some time ago, you crossed paths, then you walked together for a while, and you don't know when your paths will split again. That's the interesting part about life, isn't it? I guess it's all part of growing up.

So, here's a bittersweet goodbye to you. Good luck my dear, and chase after your dreams! I know you have made the right decision. Hopefully you will invite me to your wedding. ^_^

And, thank you for teaching me to love and treasure those around me, right here, right now, because I don't know what will happen tomorrow.

See you soon!!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

August in Japan!

It's August in Japan! Besides the humidity (which I will take over cold winters any day) and the occasional thunderstorms, August has been an awesome month..!!! The beginning of August was marked by firework festivals all over Japan, so I dragged some people along with me to enjoy this event!

Chikugogawa Fireworks Festival

Chikugogawa Fireworks Festival

It's been my dream as a child, to wear a yukata, eat kakigori (shaved ice), and watch the fireworks in Japan. Actually, that was one of the main reasons why I wanted to live in Japan (sounds kind of stupid, I know... hahahahahaha). I was elated that my dream finally came true...!!! o(^v^)o

My yukata, kakigori, and I!! o^_^o

During August, we also have a period of days off called Obon. Of course, I would never miss an opportunity to go play, so I hopped on a plane with my friend and went to Taipei for a few days! I had a lot of fun on this trip. I must say I didn't really do much that I haven't done before, but it was just nice to eat food that I really miss, and actually know what people are saying around me. I did have some trouble, though, as I tried to speak English and Japanese with my friends, and I had to switch to Mandarin with other people. And since none of these languages is my actual mother tongue, I caught myself speaking the wrong language to different people all the time.... hahahahaha... ^^"

Taipei 101

More than anything, I think I learned more about myself on this trip. I finally know why I love it here in Asia so much, and why I am so happy. It's so simple - I am doing what I want to do, and not what everyone else expects me to do. For a first time in a long, long while, I am finally truly at peace with myself. I am way less bitter than I was before towards other people and less negative towards myself... I no longer need to be jealous of other people, or wonder why people live a happier live than I am... because... I would rather be doing what I am doing right now. So... do what you love! ^_^

Sign outside of Mos Burger

就是這樣﹐ 我在日本過了7個月。現在才發現﹐ 原來幸福不是要靠別人﹐ 而是要靠自己。我要讓自己每天過得快樂! 大家也要過著幸福的生活啊..! <3

9月快來了!! 期待期待... o(^v^)o

Friday, July 6, 2012

I'm half way there.. kind of...

I really should start writing something different for my posts... but damn I haven't updated in a long time....! (I wonder who actually reads my blog, and notices... hahahaha..)

So, it's July 6th, and I've officially been in Fukuoka for 6 months. A lot has happened since the last time I posted... so I don't even know where to start... Well, first of all, I got sold out by my own parents, and Mammy and Daddy are no longer visiting me and taking me to Okinawa in August... (T_T) It seems like they don't miss me very much, because whenever I Skype home, I get responses like "Oh it's grandma's TV time right now..! If you want to talk to her you should've called earlier...", or "What? I am cooking! Why don't you try again in an hour when we finish dinner and your dad finish washing the dishes...?" So... I guess they don't miss me that much afterall. God, I love my parents. XD

The past couple of months have actually been kind of a blur. It's almost like it didn't happen. All I remember is going back to Hong Kong during Golden Week, and BAM, all of a sudden it was my best friend's wedding and I was back in Vancouver. Somewhere in there was a weekend to Busan and a trip to Kagoshima... Maybe it was because I was busy trying to finish my project management course, or maybe because I just wanted June to be over so I can go back to Vancouver... hahaha...

Busan shopping district at night

The wedding last weekend was just insane. I am not sure how my body kept up with me, but I am glad it did. I think in 4 days, I must have slept less than 10hrs. On the actual day of my best friend's wedding, I was awake for like 30hrs, before finally passing out on my flight from SFO-HNL. Seeing my best friend get married is certainly one thing I would not give up the world for, and it was so amazing for me to finally see her in this stage in her life. I am truly happy for her that she found someone she is so happy and in love with. A million memories crossed my mind as I see her walk down the aisle. It's been so many years and we've had so many fights, but I still love her to death, and I am just glad she is in good hands. ^_^

Going back also made me realize how much I actually miss my friends. They say you don't realize what you have until it is gone.... well, I certainly feel that way. I really didn't understand how much my friends meant to me, until sh*t went down, they were still all there to support me. I've been away for a while, but that certainly didn't mean they've become more distant in anyway. I can't really explain how I feel with words... but... you guys are the greatest friends that any girl could ask for. Surely I am the luckiest girl in the world to have friends like you guys...! *group hug!!!*

Blog-appropriate picture from the wedding (sort of). I love my crazy friends <3

All in all, my time here in Fukuoka is everything like I imagined. I miss my friends, and I miss my family, but nothing has really been unexpected.... All I can say, is that this is truly changed how I see myself. I definitely know myself better now and I am a happier person. HAVING SAID THAT, I have NO IDEA when I am coming back. As of right now, I am half way done my contract... but... it looks like I will be staying longer.... so... come visit me if you miss me!! o(^v^)o

Take care, my friends, wherever you are~!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Hanami with Mammy and Daddy ^_^

My parents and grandmama came to visit me in April (ok, so the title lied a little, but if I wrote "grandmama" too then it wouldn't rhyme. LOL!). I felt a little bad because my mom missed me so much that she booked this trip 2 weeks after I left Vancouver ^^" Anyway, they were just in time for hanami season in Fukuoka, and we went to Ohori Park when the sakura were in full bloom!

With Grandmama at Ohori Park (outside the Fukuoka Castle Ruins)

I think my parents feel better now that they've seen the city I live in, and what my neighbourhood looks like. They are happy that Fukuoka is so convenient, and yet it's not flooded with people everywhere. They also seemed to be glad that I live on top of a 24-hr supermarket and 1 min walk away from a 24-hr udon joint (I guess they know at least I won't starve lol).

We also went to Kumamoto on the other weekend they were here. There were still sakura blooming at Kumamoto Castle, and the view was stunning!

Kumamoto Castle

We stayed at a ryokan in Kumamoto which had access to onsen. Daddy loved the onsen so much and would not stop talking about it for 20mins! After a nice onsen experience, we had Spring Set Dinner at the ryokan. I think we must've had at least 10 courses!! The hotel is called 菊南溫泉 Hotel, and it did not disappoint! My parents and grandmama were super happy with Kumamoto! o(^o^)o

Booked a private onsen, with indoor and outdoor bath area

I think I gained some weight during my parents' visit. I kept mooching off of them for fancy dinners that I otherwise can't afford (like teppenyaki), LOL!!! Ohhhh I miss being Mammy's and Daddy's girl... hahahaha!

And now, back to survive on my own again... until August! Then, my parents are coming back and we are off to OKINAWA!!!! YAY PARENTS!!!! d(^v^)b

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Weighing in after 3 months

It's been 3 months since I've been in Fukuoka! I can't believe I am 1/4 of the way through my contract!! Let me check-in with some highlights of my stay in Fukuoka!

Atomic Bomb Dome, Hiroshima

- I've been able to travel once a month on average! So far I've been to Beppu, Nagasaki, and Hiroshima / Miyajima. Still on my list are Kumamoto (which I will strike off after this weekend ^_^), Kagoshima, Mount Aso, Kurokawa Onsen, Nagoya, Kanazawa, Nagano, Busan... ... ...

Itsukushima Shrine, Miyajima

- I've had some visitors already! My parents came to visit last weekend, and my friend from HK also came to visit yesterday. I played host for the first time in Fukuoka!

- I have a membership at an onsen which is a 20mins drive from my house. It is one of the nicest onsens I've been to...! I've been going almost weekly... hahahaha... why get a massage when you can soak in the onsen? ^_^v

My Japanese is slowly improving. If I concentrate hard enough I can understand what people are saying to me... the response, however, needs some work... hahaha... I'm working on it ^^"

The street outside my apartment at night

- I lost 10lbs since I've been here!! OMG!! I know that doesn't sound too impressive, but I didn't really do anything besides eating normal Japanese portions and cut back on fried foods...! I'm so happy hahahahha. Next, I will try to knock off another 15lbs in the next 3 months. My co-worker is very good fitness guy (actually, he's good at many different things, and I've often gone to him for advice lol), and he's started taking me to the gym and teaching me how to cut calories. I have a feeling that 15lbs goal is not too far out of reach!!! I gotta keep reminding myself - hunger and soreness is just fat leaving the body. LOL.

Plum blossoms, Dazaifu

Other than that, life is not much different from being in Vancouver. I work, I go out, I stay at home, etc etc etc. I do miss my friends and family very much... but... I'm glad I am here!

P.S. - Sorry for the random pictures... I don't have any that will go along with the post... hahaha... Anyways, come visit me soon!!! ^_^

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Comfort Food Search: Din Tai Fung

One of the best findings for me so far in Japan is the discovery of a Din Tai Fung in a department store at Hakata Station. Good Chinese food is rare in this country, so I'm glad that my favorite siao long bao is only 20mins bus ride away...!

Din Tai Fung at the Hankyu Department Store in Hakata.

Siao long bao and dan dan mien lunch set for 1490円. The set came with 4 siao long baos; unfortunately one was consumed before this picture was taken. I guess it's still pretty expensive.. ^^"

I am quite happy that the siao long bao is quite close to the ones I had in Taipei and in Hong Kong Din Tai Fung. However, I'm kind of disappointed that they can't be bothered with putting the right type of noodles in their dan dan mien! I mean, the soup base was pretty good, if they used 陽春麵 for the noodles, then it would be perfect... it will taste just like the real stuff!! Now, it just tastes like Japanese style Chinese noodles... (-_-")

Dan dan mien, but not with the correct noodles. (T_T)

I also thought that they would have a menu for dinner, but it looked like the only thing they serve are siao long bao, steamed buns, noodles, and spring rolls... I was hoping to get my Chinese food fix there... I guess I have to resort to my own cooking (however good or bad that might be). ^_^"

Oh well, I am just happy that I FOUND REAL SIAO LONG BAO in Fukuoka...!! Maybe I won't need to come home afterall... (at least not yet)!! YAY SUPER HAPPY!!! o(^v^)o

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

OMG Hot Pot Revelation!!

Everyone who knows me knows that I am absolutely fond of hot pot. I know a few friends who love hot pot just as much as I do, but I don't really know if I know anyone who likes hot pot MORE than I (we) do. So, it has caught me by surprised that after 20+ years I have not discovered this until now. This is EPIC! I present to you: zousui 雑炊!!

- Left over hot pot broth
- Rice enough for everyone
- 1 egg (per 2-3 people)
- green onions

Here is how you make it:

Leave enough hot pot broth in the pot to cover the amount of rice you have. Add rice. Bring to a boil.

Beat eggs. Pour it on top of the rice evenly. Stirring not necessary (just let it cook at the top).

Just before the egg is fully cooked, add green onions.

And then it's totally ready to serve! I know that usually at all-you-can-eat hot pots, we usually stuff our faces with beef, pork, chikuwa, and all the other good stuff. But, you've got to save some room for 雑炊! I think with Cantonese-style hot pots, this method is good for clear soup bases (chicken or something); it might be too salty for satay. None-of-the-less, it is definitely worth a try!

And that marks my official 2 months in Fukuoka. Nom nom nom... しゃぶしゃぶ が大好きです!! ^_^

Friday, March 2, 2012


在福岡的時間過得很快... 真想不到我離開溫哥華快兩個月了! 我真的很喜歡這裡生活 - 我喜愛我的工作, 也愛我的自由。我最開心的是好像所有的東西都有一個新的開始... 在溫哥華的我是怎樣都不重要, 我可以將所有東西 reset 了﹐ 再試一次。沒有人因為我以往的不對而討厭我。是的, 其實我是一個很沒有自信的人。很多身邊的人覺得我很堅強, 很硬朗, 不理會別人的批評。其實內心的我比任何人脆弱... 我的外殼只是為了不讓人看小而已... 我不理會別人的批評, 是因為我不想理會自己對自己的 批評。 我真的是一個很自私的人。 我知道我不多不小都因我的自私而傷害了身邊的朋友... 所以我也覺得自己很討厭, 是一個不稱身的朋友...我又怎會有勇氣去接受別人對我的評價呢?

所以﹐ 爸爸媽媽﹐ 對不起。 容許我再任性一次﹐ 我離家出走了。雖然我不一夜之間不見了﹐ 但我也是一走了之。在這裡我真的覺得整個人輕鬆了,每天都可以努力做一個新的我! 其實我都很想念溫哥話的人; 也許當我玩夠了, 長大了以後 , 我會有勇氣回來面對以前的我吧...!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

温泉の旅 I - 別府 Onsen Tour Part 1 - Beppu!

Damnit, I'm terrible at this blogging thing...!

So a couple of weeks ago, my friend and I headed off to Beppu for the weekend. Beppu is located in Oita Prefecture, on the northwest side of Kyushuu. A town filled with pachinko machines and an extensive sex industry, this place also happens to be the one of the largest hotspring by volume in the world, 2nd only to Yellowstone National Park. With this in mind, I am off to a wonderfully relaxing weekend (in the onsens, of course!!)

JR Beppu Station, with the founder of Beppu

This city is pretty much gushing hot water from everywhere. There are pipes in the ground specifically used to re-direct the hot water elsewhere. As my friend MP puts it, the city is going to boil itself over one day...! So, when you come here, don't forget to bring a hand towel. You will need it when you see all the hand onsen around the city ^_^

Hand bath outside JR Beppu Station

One of the most famous tourist attractions in Beppu are the Jigoku Hostprings 地獄温泉. Literally translated in English as the Hells Hotsprings, these hotsprings include a steaming mountain, boiling mud ponds, and hotspring ponds that are of different colours. My favorite one is the red 血の池地獄 (Blood's Pond Hell), where the bottom of the pond turned bright red from the iron oxidizing and settling. There is also a foot hotspring for you to dip your feet if you get tired. The other hotsprings with the boiling mud at 鬼石坊主地獄 (Shaven Monk's Head Hell) and the steaming mountains of 山地獄 (Mountain Hell) are also quite impressive.

山地獄 Yama-Jigoku

血の池地獄 Chinoike-Jigoku. It got dark as the sun was setting on the other side of the mountain.

After a day of serious walking, it was totally time to head back to the ryokan. We had a Japanese-style tatami room for 4000yen per person. Included was free access to the private onsen in the ryokan; we just had to book the room in the lobby! Of course, I took advantage of that and booked in some private time for like 2 hours.... afterall, that's what I came to Beppu for..!!!

Private onsen, tehehehehee... ^_^

And that, my friends, was pretty much how I spent my first long weekend in Japan. ^_^ I'm looking forward to more onsen adventures in the near future, and of course, I'll try to remember to post more! A shout out to all my friends in Vancouver... I miss you all lots!!

Ta ta for now ^__~

Monday, February 6, 2012

Happpy One Month, Fukuoka!

I've been here officially for 1 month!! Time really does go by fast...!! I'm really liking it here... work is actually going pretty well ^_^ My co-workers have been very nice, helping me with work and with everyday things outside of work. As well, I feel like I'm getting a hang of this job already... so no complaints there~~

In general, I really like my students. I feel like I am able to motivate them to learn, in which motivates me to try harder to give a good lesson. However, I just can't seem to figure out how to teach those 11 to 12-year-olds... They are very bright kids, that don't seem to be challenged enough in class. As a result the participation in class is terrible...! It seems like I am dreading these classes, but I do want to help them improve. For the sake of my sanity, and the sanity of my students, if anyone has any ideas about how to improve classroom moral and would like to pass it along, I will be so grateful ^^".

Now that work is settling nicely, I want start picking up my Japanese again!! I haven't studied my Japanese at all since I've gotten here, so there has been little or no improvement LOL. I'm still debating whether I should take Japanese lessons - maybe I'll review my textbook first and see how it goes hahaha. Also, I'm going to start going sightseeing around Kyushuu soon! I've got a trip planned to Beppu next weekend, I'm super excited!!! Stay tuned for photos ^_^

Sorry for the short blog post today, for some reason I'm super tired... going to peace out to bed... お休みなさい!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Settling into my new home

First post in February!!

Wow... it's been over 2 weeks since I last blogged... I must apologize - ever since I moved to my new home I have been deprived of internet access...!! Now that I finally got tethering figured out on my new phone, I am connected again!! ^_^

The past 2 weeks were kind of crazy. I finished my initial training, and moved into my apartment! It might kind of surprise some of you, but actually I'm kind of OCD when it comes to cleaning things and putting things away. I only tend to give up when it gets overly messy and I can't deal with it... in which case I just leave it and ignore it =.=". Anyways, I spend 1 whole weekend scrubbing my apartment, going to the local 100yen shop to buy storage compartments, obtaining kitchenware and things I need around the house... I was FINALLY ready to unpack my suitcase and move in!! That was such a happy happy day!!! And now.... ladies and gentlemen.... I present to you.... pictures of my tiny apartment!!

My kitchenette! You can't see it, but it's complete with a happy face sponge ^.^

My bathroom! The toilet is in a separate room, lol. It's also across the hall from my kitchenette. ^^"

My living space. I sleep on the futon next to my couch ^_^. Yes, the futon is on hardwood floor...

The view from my living room to the doorway. Bathroom on the left, kitchenette and laundry closet on the right.

I really enjoyed cleaning and organizing my apartment! Even though my there isn't a lot of space, it's a lot of fun thinking of innovative ways to store things. A hook here, and a rack there, an viola! Everything in the right place. I think I've been guilty of abusing my living space in Vancouver... my room is probably bigger than my current apartment, filled with crap I don't need. I also didn't use my space very efficiently. I can't believe I used to tell my parents that there is "no room" to store all my stuff. Argh... I feel so ashamed... lol. I'm proud to say that I'm keeping my apartment in good shape everyday, since if I don't there's literally no space to walk around lol.

The area around my apartment is awesome. I live 5mins walking distance from work and the train station (the two are next to each other). Inside the train station there is a small shopping arcade for clothes and such, as well as a supermarket and plenty of places to eat. Next to my apartment building there's a 24hr supermarket, where I've been wasting tonnes of money (I use the fact that I just moved in as an excuse, and buy things like soy sauce, cooking oil, sugar, salt.... it apparently all adds up!!!), and I am within walking distance to things like banks, post offices, gym, pool etc. I'm so happy that the location is so convenient!

I hereby officially declare that I've settled into my new home! Yay!!! ^_^

Sunday, January 15, 2012

今日は太宰府にいってしました!(I went to Dazaifu today!)

After one week of hectic training, finally it's my day off!! My friend and I went to Dazaifu (太宰府) today to check out the local shrine scene. It took about ~20mins or so on the express train from Tenjin, so it was not bad for a Sunday afternoon stroll... ^_^

The street on the way to the Tenmangu Shrine

The place was filled with people getting their blessings for the new year... I'll let my pictures do the talking..!

Tenmango Shrine

Washing my hands before entering the shrine

Priest blessing over people

My fortunes this year..! I'm assuming “吉” is a good sign...! ^_^

People getting their cars blessed

Local specialty at Dazaifu: umegaimochi! (Toasted rice cake with plum and red bean filling) nom nom nom...

I'm going to be at my hotel for a couple more days, then I move into my apartment on Wednesday. I was talking to my friend (who is training with me right now), and we agree that it still seems like this is temporary because we are staying in a hotel and not actually working at our own schools yet. This is all going to change this week, so hopefully I will adjust well... Looking forward to (finally) settling in Japan...! I'm super excited!!!

Chat with you all soon =)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hello, Fukuoka!

So, I've officially been here for 5 days! So far, I really like Fukuoka (the part of town I'm in anyways). The town seems busy, but not overly crowded like the larger cities such as Tokyo or Osaka. On the weekend or public holidays, I can still walk around department stores and train stations with much comfort. I'm really glad I chose this city - being the largest city on Kyushuu, it's got all the Tokyo convenience, but it's just a bit busier than Vancouver. The weather here has been super nice. It's around the same temperature as Vancouver, but it has been sunny almost every single day...!

Tenjin area, Fukuoka

Training has been quite intense for the past couple of days. I've really been trying to focus on digesting the training material I've been presented, practicing classes mentally, and getting enough rest everyday. There's been so much to do at work - I've already taught my first lesson to actual Japanese students! I also have to conduct interviews and do a couple more lessons before I obtain my status as a "nublet" and get sent off to my branch school. So for the past few days, really I've just been walking around the same area, between the hotel and the office. XD

My first gift from a student! She's a very cute lady, who is retired and now wants to learn English. She said I can put a coin in it. I assume it's for good luck?

Oh, of course, being in Japan means there are good eats just around the corner...! I thought it'd be mean to upload allll of my delicious adventures, so I'll just post one XD In Fukuoka, after about 6pm in the evening, ramen stalls called yatai roll out to the street to set up shop for the night. What's on the menu? The famous Kyushuu tonkatsu ramen of course!!!

Yatai. Also selling oden, gyoza yakitori, and such.

Inside the yatai. Having dinner with some サラリーマン.

Mmmmm... ramen! Nom nom nom...

I don't know how to describe the ramen besides... it's sooooooo good XD XD XD It was the perfect end to a chilly Fukuoka evening. If you come visit me, I will treat you to ramen... I've been saying that since before I left, and the offer still stands ;)

I plan to go do some sightseeing this Sunday, so hopefully I can show you more of Fukuoka next time. Right now it is time to zzz. お休みなさい!! =)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Commenting on Airlines

After a couple of days of being in "transit", I've finally arrived in Fukuoka-shi, my home for the next little while! Because I have been hopping back and forth Vancouver and SE Asia a bit for the past month or so, I had a chance to "sample" a few different airlines: Air Canada, ANA, Eva Air, Singapore Airlines, and United Airlines. So, I thought it's be fun to share my thoughts and kind of compare my different experiences.

United Airlines:

I've been joking (but actually somewhat serious) about how the best part of a United flight is Channel 9 and getting off. More often that not, the domestic flights are delayed, not cleaned properly, overbooked, and staffed with not-so-friendly cabin crew to say the least. The international legs apparently are not much better - a 15-hr San Francisco to Hong Kong flight was on an old-school 747 with no AVOD (you know, they have one big screen in the bulkhead space and then tiny monitors hanging from the ceiling every 8 rows or so), and food that was served cold! So, with VERY LITTLE expectation on my UA flight from Singapore to Tokyo, I was actually quite pleasantly surprised by the nice cabin crew on the flight. The food, while cold (again), actually tasted good (it was BBQ pork on Chinese fried noodles; sorry I know this conversation is kind of useless without photos). The only other disappointment was that the audio didn't work on my seat (hey, it's United. You are expecting things to work? You've got to be kidding me!). While the route was still flown on the same retro 747 as the SFO-HKG route, it was comfortable enough to endure a 6-hr flight. Compared to the 737 that I could've been flying if I was on the SIN-HKG route, this was quite an acceptable experience. Singaporeans and Japanese people really do have high(er) standards!!

Eva Air

I flew this route with Mother and Daddy from Hong Kong to Taiwan at the end of November. I've got to say, the cabin crew were so quick, I mean like, Superman-changing-in-a-phone-booth quick. On a 1 hr flight, the flight attendance pumped out a drink service, followed by a full hot (and delicious) meal, offered duty-free shopping, and another drink service. You have to understand that this flight is only just over one hour long....! :O So, props to them for being so efficient, and nice at the same time. =) Moreover, they flew a nice 747 on this short leg (even they had AVOD; shame on you UA!!!!), though I'm pretty sure that 1/3 of the plane was cargo space, and that the plane probably headed somewhere far after landing in Taipei...

ANA (Wings)

I only flew this after a domestic connection from my UA flight in order to go to Fukuoka. I was on a 737, which was roomy enough for the 2hr flight. My only disappointment was that there wasn't even nuts or anything during the drink service; I didn't think All Nippon would cheap out like that... However, the cabin crew were very nice. You know, the standard Japanese kind of nice (which is very very nice in my opinion). I should mention that ANA Wings is a subsidiary of ANA, kind of what Jazz is to Air Canada. ANA Wings is definitely better than Jazz, and I would definitely like to fly ANA someday on one of their international routes!

Air Canada

I really should be biased towards this airline as this is my home airline. I really wanted to be, but I couldn't. From the gate to getting off the plane, the service was terrible! My flight was delayed in the morning, which means there is a possibility that I would miss the next flight on my itinerary. The check-in agent looked at it, and said "according to your itinerary, even if the plane wasn't delayed, this would've been an illegal connection because you didn't leave at least 90mins between your international flights. The Airline is not liable for this if you do miss your connection.". I went on to explain that Expedia let me book this with no problem, the only suggestion she could come up with was that the flight usually makes up some lost time, and if you ran fast enough you can make your next flight. I just rolled my eyes and walked away; it was obvious to me that she has decided not to be helpful. Turns out the plane got delayed even more. Thank goodness there were some nice Singapore Airlines reps at the other side of the gate when we arrived, and they re-booked a good dozen of us on the next available flight to Singapore (some of these people booked directly with Air Canada, so clearly the check-in agent was a pile of BS about this being an illegal connection or whatever). The flight meals were also, not very good, to put it in a nice way. I mean, come on, I am used to eating IMPs for an entire weekend. How can anything possibly taste worse than food from a bag that was made 5 years ago..?!?! Top that off with some snappy cabin crew and viola! Recipe for a disasterous 13.5hr flight. The good thing is, I really do like the new cabins in these trans-pacific flights. When they dim the cabin lights it changes colours from a warm autumn red to a light blue-ish colour.... and you get pretty good leg room for just regular economy seats. Do they do that for flights to Europe too... anyone know?

Singapore Airlines

There definitely is a reason why this airline is always at the top of the rankings. Everyone was sooooo friendly and very well-mannered. Even the way they pour water for guests impressed me (no lie!). ANNNND they are good looking. =D Even in Economy class, they had a full menu for you to look at prior to the food service. I had a Chinese option with was spicy pork with cabbage on rice, and even after Air Canada's multiple attempts to kill my appetite, it was still quite enjoyable. My impression of Singapore Airlines is that they don't cheap out on anything, even if it is economy. They actually made me feel like a guest on their flight, and not just some annoying person they have to serve while I am stuck in my seat.

Of course, these are just my based on my personal experience, and I can't really help but wonder why large american carriers cannot afford to offer somewhat decent services (clearly a tiny place like Singapore can do it; so is it just poor business ethics and practices?). Anyways, I'm in Fukuoka now and I actually have to start work tomorrow *gasp*, so there won't be any flying for.... at least a couple of months ;)

Ta ta for now!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

D-Day ("D" stands for departure)

So... it appears that it's been over 2 months since I last posted on my blog again. Time does fly!

I started my journey on Jan 3rd, 2012, leaving Vancouver for Singapore, stopping over in Hong Kong. It was a very weird feeling for me to leave my home, fly to my second home, but wait - I am not exiting the airport! I am en-route to Singapore via SQ flight 871.

Saying goodbye to my friends and family was hard. I can't imagine my mom getting any sleep the night before my departure, or got anything done at work. Hun did good though - we didn't cry or anything and we tried to make our farewells as painless as possible. We were joking around and such, trying not to make a big deal out of it... after all, 1 year flies by, right? That and he is supposed to come visit in April... so that will happen before I know it. =)

It really hasn't settled in to me yet that I actually left. The flight to Hong Kong was more of a routine, and by the time I got to Singapore, I got so excited about what I should see (more importantly, what I should eat) that I've completely kicked into vacation mode and totally forgot why I am here...

... Everyone has been asking me if I'm prepared for my adventures, and I think I can only say that consciously I think I am... I packed everything I wanted (I didn't leave anything behind!!), I got as much sorted out logistically as I can while overseas (money, internet access, phone etc), so I think I'm prepared... but mentally, I am not so sure... I guess I really don't know what to expect until I get there (I don't know if being in "vacation mode" counts as being mentally prepard)...

The only thing I didn't plan well for, is that I didn't fly my butt directly from Singapore to Fukuoka on Singapore Airlines. Now, I have to suffer through sub-par domestic UA service on an "international flight". That, and I didn't know that the free shuttle from Changji Airport to my hotel was still running at 1am... Damnit, what was I thinking?!?!?! :p